A to Z Break for an update!

I don't have a stitch update per-se, since this month is the A to Z Challenge, I've been using the time to stitch on the "secret project". But I did get a new acquisition today:

I am NOT a Kinkade fan, but I have been buying the Disney Dreams stitches since they started coming out. Sleeping Beauty was the one I was desperate to have, and now I've got it!! If I ever do start one of these, this will definitely be the first!


Tama said…
Oh, that's nice! I didn't know they made this one!
sharine said…
So jealous! Hope you find time to start her:)
Unknown said…
They are gorgeous - I keep seeing them pop up and ponder whether I should get one, but we'll have to see... :D
Emma/Itzy said…
How did I not know about this one?! I already have the Beauty and the Beast one but now I want, no, NEED this!