OK, it's time for me to stop ranting about my problems...the only way for me to get over all this mess is to find a way to move on and I can't do that if I can't get over it, so let's get back to the crappy, absolutely useless Pennsylvania trip, shall we? (Wait...did I just do it again?).
Most everything else we saw was pretty much from the car window, so this is the drive-by version of sites. Here is the Kentucky "castle" I always see from the interstate but have never seen close up. They have turned it into a hotel (it used to be a private residence):

And we managed to drive almost right up to it before we had to turn around:

Our first night we stayed in Bardstown, Kentucky, so we drove past "My Kentucky Home" (not sure what it is, but here it is):

and NUMEROUS bourbon distilleries (which are quite ugly):

We went to Transylvania University for the sole purpose of getting shirts (because they are cool things to have)...this history I do know a bit about...Kentucky was originally named Transylvania, but they decided to change it. Shame.

Some weird helicopter thing happening in Virginia (or West Virginia, sometimes it was hard to tell):

Of course, Trans Allegheny:

Thought this was interesting...wonder what space info they are downloading?

Everybody's got a gimmick:

I got a bit obsessed with rock formations in the highway digouts (or maybe it was boredom):

Giant rubber duckie (because why not?):

A cool coal breaker being dismantled not far from Centralia:

The graffiti road (and no, my hips aren't that big...my camera bag is):


What do you do when you're stuck in traffic for an hour? Take fifteen million pictures of a series of bridges:

We got to Gettysburg too late, but if ANYONE knows why they used to make fences like this, please explain it to me:

Creepy Lincoln statue:

Extremely close to Burkittsville (aka Blair Witch country and Antietam), this weird, creepy, dead tree that completely fascinated me:

Not a very clear pic, but the sign of Burkittsville (that they changed to deter visitors after the movie came out):

Actually, only two places in the town where filmed in the original movie, the sign and the cemetery, aka here:

I was holding the camera pretty steady, but had a very hard time getting a clear picture (which is pretty hard with my camera):

A quick circle through the start of Antietam:

Crossing the Potomac into Shepherdstown, the supposed most haunted town in America (none of the pictures past this point turned out-a sign?):

A preview of one of the many Oak Ridge, Tennessee facilities:

The Parthenon in Nashville (always wanted to go there, but we didn't plan it well because there was an arts festival there as well as a Vanderbilt game and it was utter chaos):

Why do I love my camera so much? Didn't even notice the netting on the Parthenon until I was editing the pictures:

Call me kooky, but not only is Athena ugly, she's creepy too!

And that's it...we were four hours from home at that point, so really nothing of interest other than numerous interstate walls (I do have my weird fetishes!).
It was a quick trip and was absolutely useless, but at least we got to go to some cool places even if we didn't get to stay very long and see some cool things. I just wish I had been in a better frame of mind and had been able to process everything better. I SOOOO love a road trip even though my Sister hates them. I need to find a road-trip partner...someone who can handle my road-warrior type of travel.