Just click on the piece's title to go to my Flickr album of my progress, don't click on the picture itself or Flickr might screw it up

HAED-Mini Wisdom (Artist-Cherie Gerhardt)
28ct White Lugana Magic Guide, 1x1 full stitches (kitted up 2024)
Mini Wisdom_000a

HAED-Supersize/Max Color Once Upon A Fairytale (Artist-Aimee Stewart)
28ct White Lugana Magic Guide, 1x1 full stitches (kitted up 2024)
SS-MC Once Upon A Fairytale_000a

HAED-Belle of Bonaventure (Artist-Jasmine Becket Griffith)
28ct White Lugana Magic Guide, 1x1 full stitches (kitted up 2024)
belle of bonaventure

Unconventional X Stitch - The Blue Marble Is So Fragile (Artist-Borda Danut Adrian)
28ct White Lugana Magic Guide, 1x1 full stitches, (kitted up 2024)
The Blue Marble Is So Fragile

DoNa Stitches - Merida
18ct Opalescent White Aida, 2x1 full stitches, (kitted up 2024)

Thread Geeks - Evil Queen
28ct White Monaco, 1x1 full stitches, Started 02-26-2024

Fox and Teacup Designs - Harry Potter US Bookcover Collage
28ct White Lugana Magic Guide, 1x1 full stitches, Started 01-17-2024

Addict To Cross Stitch - Everest
28ct Tea Evenweave 1x1 full stitches, Started 01-12-2020 (kitted up in 2018)

Tilton Crafts - Once Upon A Time - Captain Hook (Artist-Daniel Kordek)
28ct Tea Monaco 1x1 full stitches, Started 2-11-2018

HAED - Jasmine Becket Griffith's Faces of Faery 167
32ct Evenweave 1x1 full stitches, Started 03-18-2018

GeckoRouge - Medusa Dollmaker's The Bride Dollmaker
28ct Monaco 1x1 full stitches, Started 7-16-2017

Neni Designs - Happy Haunts
18ct Aida 2x1 full stitches, Started 1-23-2017
Happy Haunts_000

HAED - Jessica Clark's Snow White (now retired)
28ct Monaco 1x1 full stitches, Started 1-3-2016
Snow White-000

HAED - Annie Rodrigue's Night Wish
28ct Monaco 1x1 full stitches, Started 1-2-2016
Night Wish-000

HAED - Jasmine Becket-Griffith's Alice And The Bouguereau Princesses
28ct Monaco 1x1 full stitches, Started 1-4-2015

HAED - Lewis T. Johnson's Sleepy Hollow Mural
28ct Monaco 1x1 full stitches, Started 1-9-2017
Sleepy Hollow Mural

Tartan B
20ct Hardanger Aida 2x1 full stitches, Started 12-14-2014

A Summer Ball (Designer unknown) Not sure when I started it, sometime in 2011, before I was keeping track, it's on Aida, I think 18ct, but don't quote me on that, but definitely 2x1
summer ball

Disney - 35th Anniversary Celebration, started sometime in 2012, 14ct navy aida, 2x1
HAED - Aimee Stewart's Christmas Contest Suteki (2014)
28ct Monaco 1x1 full stitches, Started 1-1-2016
Christmas Contest Suteki-000


kate n saidā€¦
I can't believe how much of Suteki you have done! Considering I have not stitched all week - seriously progressing like wildfire on that - where do you find the time?
Bev saidā€¦
Hello can I just ask you what to you use to mark your fabric out with? I normally buy magic count but Iā€™m looking at renting on 28ct but i know I will make a mistake if I donā€™t some how grid it, great wipā€™s too!!!!!!!