Since when did getting a vaccine become a hot button issue?
Being in the healthcare industry, although low down on the "essential healthcare workers totem pole", it made me eligible for the vaccine waiting list. I figured it would be a couple of weeks, if not a month or two before I would be called up, but I literally got a call within 20 minutes of signing up! Apparently, the essential, essential workers are all either too scared of the vaccine, or have political beliefs that make them (and yes, I'm going here, this is, after all, a very dominant red state), too stupid to take it. Oh well, better for us further down the lines and it keeps the current batches from expiring without being used.
Today was my day. I made sure to let them know I was allergic to the flu shot, had asthma, etc, etc. They kept me an extra amount of time to watch me, but I had no reaction whatsoever! It was a VERY tiny needle, didn't hurt at all and, at least so far, I have no reactions other than I feel a bit sleepy (and almost feel a bit drunk). The side effects may change over the next couple of days, but I'll watch closely. In 21 days, I'll go back for my second dose.
Even in my own working environment, there are people who are refusing to get it for the stupidest of reasons, and it's just sad. But at the same time, I can't feel sorry for them. Our State has decided essential healthcare workers first, then I figure they'll move down to nursing homes, prisons, schools, and the general public. I don't necessarily think our State got a lot of the vaccine, I think it's just a large number of people are refusing it, which is just sad and stupid. Every state is going to be different, so please check your CDC guidelines for your state to see when you will be eligible and find out where you can get it.
I'm hoping, the more people that do get it, it will change the minds of the naysayers and they will start to wake up a bit. Or at least, when it gets to the point when you can't get in anywhere without your vaccination card, that might start to change people's minds (or cause more riots...a total issue I could see happening around here).
Needless to say, if you are given the chance in your state or country to get it, PLEASE do! Obviously, consider your allergies and take appropriate precautions, but I think the side effects of the vaccine far outweigh the harm that the virus itself does! Yes, being allergic to the flu shot made me afraid of this, I'm not going to lie, especially since it's the binding agent that I'm allergic to (and all COVID vaccines, at least so far, have this same binding agent). But I don't fear being microchipped (don't get me started on that rant again), I'm not afraid of some big government conspiracy to track (or poison) us all, and I certainly (obviously) can't be too worried about the long-term ramifications about the short-term testing of this. I think, considering I drink diet soda fifteen times a day, I'm obviously not too scared by what goes in my body (and I'm old enough to realize I don't have a lot of life left anyway).
OK, enough PSA'ing for today! Sign up, get in line, and let's stop this stupid virus before more people die!