And I remembered...
Supernatural Exorcism...

That's about as "gothic" of a frame as I could get at Hobby Lobby, but I think it works OK. I would have preferred something much darker, but oh well.
I also have apparently been very lax at reporting new stash, probably because I haven't been buying much and I haven't stitched since, well, forever! Maybe, after all this work crap settles down, I can get back to it! But quite a while ago, I broke down and bought two new Jasmine Becket-Griffith's, including my ABSOLUTE favorite piece of her artwork (aside from the Disney's, of course), Strangely Lonely:

I would prefer to have Strangely Lonely super-sized with max colors, but it's not out that way, so I deal with what I have. And I do own this in print form anyway, so my wall isn't missing it. I also got Vampire Dragonling:

I also found a new shop on Etsy that had a FABULOUS Once pattern, and you guys KNOW how much I LOVE Once patterns! They are SOOOO hard to come by. It's Henry's Storybook and, although it's quite simple (and reminds me of the giant brown Jesus head and had me swearing I'd never stitch anything solid brown again), I'm kind of excited about this one!

Her store is KPL Creative XStitch and, she's just getting started, but I'm expecting great things from her store. I'm hoping she'll do the Heroes and Villains book as well, but time will tell on that one. Needless to say, I'm watching her store closely!

That's about as "gothic" of a frame as I could get at Hobby Lobby, but I think it works OK. I would have preferred something much darker, but oh well.
I also have apparently been very lax at reporting new stash, probably because I haven't been buying much and I haven't stitched since, well, forever! Maybe, after all this work crap settles down, I can get back to it! But quite a while ago, I broke down and bought two new Jasmine Becket-Griffith's, including my ABSOLUTE favorite piece of her artwork (aside from the Disney's, of course), Strangely Lonely:

I would prefer to have Strangely Lonely super-sized with max colors, but it's not out that way, so I deal with what I have. And I do own this in print form anyway, so my wall isn't missing it. I also got Vampire Dragonling:

I also found a new shop on Etsy that had a FABULOUS Once pattern, and you guys KNOW how much I LOVE Once patterns! They are SOOOO hard to come by. It's Henry's Storybook and, although it's quite simple (and reminds me of the giant brown Jesus head and had me swearing I'd never stitch anything solid brown again), I'm kind of excited about this one!

Her store is KPL Creative XStitch and, she's just getting started, but I'm expecting great things from her store. I'm hoping she'll do the Heroes and Villains book as well, but time will tell on that one. Needless to say, I'm watching her store closely!