I'm still going (somehow)
Work is getting down to the wire on my big project, but I'm somehow still stitching! I think I'm just getting to the breaking point at work and I'm starting to give up, so I'm leaving and spending more time stitching. It was bound to happen, I'm an Asper who rarely finishes anything! I had just started Everest last Sunday with one day's worth of work:

And when I started to get to the boring sky, I had to stop about mid Saturday (at least I finished the first page):

But since it's such a LONG canvas, here's a close up (and forgive the shadow):

You can tell I haven't stitched in a while, check out how "bumpy" some of those stitches are! Oh well, I'll get better again with more practice! I was getting bored with the sky background, so I decided to move on mid Saturday instead of my usual Sunday (I didn't want to routine it, but it seems as though that has been exactly what I have been doing, changing out projects every Sunday morning). So to break up the monotony of the boring background, I switch to the most boring of background stitching, Night Wish! She's been on my mind lately though, mainly because she's another one I apparently haven't touched since November 2017 (I am SOOO ashamed!). But I did remember that I worked on both Night Wish and Snow when my Grandmother was dying in hospice in July of that year, so it was probably hard for me to work on them past that, 2018 was the "year of the psych hospital", and 2019 was the "year of the school project", so it's not like I've had a lot of time since to work on them, so I am going to try to not be so hard on myself about it.
Since it's been so long, she's a HAED from Annie Rodrigue that is supposed to look like this:

I left off on the first row finish here (and yes, that moon was a total beeoch!):

I probably stitched for like 30 minutes Saturday and kept coming up with stupid side projects to distract myself, so I barely got anything done Saturday:

But at least by Sunday, I got about a third of the page done, and that was WITH watching both Infinity War and Endgame (there are certain parts of those movies I have to stop and watch...I can't help it, even after numerous watchings!):

Since she's not dithered, if I have the time this week, I could get a LOT done, if I don't have to work late, but there is a LOT to get done because we are about to go-live with this new system and I still have to switch everyone out from Windows 7 to Windows 10 (there have been some complications there too, shock, there is ALWAYS complications). I guess we'll know by next week how much stitching I got done!
But, as a side note, I was bad again and bought more patterns. HAED had a sale and, although I barely have anything in my wishlist anymore since they switched to all dithering, I did have two Max Color, Supersized Aimee Stewart bookshelves in there to add to the multitude that I already have that I have NO CLUE how I'll ever get done! Once Upon A Fairytale:

And Boho Seaside View, because we all know how much I love the ocean and, if I do ever get to build a house, my spare bedroom will have a beach theme and this will look good in there:

And I guess that's the news for this week! Have a good stitchy week everyone!

And when I started to get to the boring sky, I had to stop about mid Saturday (at least I finished the first page):

But since it's such a LONG canvas, here's a close up (and forgive the shadow):

You can tell I haven't stitched in a while, check out how "bumpy" some of those stitches are! Oh well, I'll get better again with more practice! I was getting bored with the sky background, so I decided to move on mid Saturday instead of my usual Sunday (I didn't want to routine it, but it seems as though that has been exactly what I have been doing, changing out projects every Sunday morning). So to break up the monotony of the boring background, I switch to the most boring of background stitching, Night Wish! She's been on my mind lately though, mainly because she's another one I apparently haven't touched since November 2017 (I am SOOO ashamed!). But I did remember that I worked on both Night Wish and Snow when my Grandmother was dying in hospice in July of that year, so it was probably hard for me to work on them past that, 2018 was the "year of the psych hospital", and 2019 was the "year of the school project", so it's not like I've had a lot of time since to work on them, so I am going to try to not be so hard on myself about it.
Since it's been so long, she's a HAED from Annie Rodrigue that is supposed to look like this:

I left off on the first row finish here (and yes, that moon was a total beeoch!):

I probably stitched for like 30 minutes Saturday and kept coming up with stupid side projects to distract myself, so I barely got anything done Saturday:

But at least by Sunday, I got about a third of the page done, and that was WITH watching both Infinity War and Endgame (there are certain parts of those movies I have to stop and watch...I can't help it, even after numerous watchings!):

Since she's not dithered, if I have the time this week, I could get a LOT done, if I don't have to work late, but there is a LOT to get done because we are about to go-live with this new system and I still have to switch everyone out from Windows 7 to Windows 10 (there have been some complications there too, shock, there is ALWAYS complications). I guess we'll know by next week how much stitching I got done!
But, as a side note, I was bad again and bought more patterns. HAED had a sale and, although I barely have anything in my wishlist anymore since they switched to all dithering, I did have two Max Color, Supersized Aimee Stewart bookshelves in there to add to the multitude that I already have that I have NO CLUE how I'll ever get done! Once Upon A Fairytale:

And Boho Seaside View, because we all know how much I love the ocean and, if I do ever get to build a house, my spare bedroom will have a beach theme and this will look good in there:

And I guess that's the news for this week! Have a good stitchy week everyone!