Weekly Stitching - a bit on the late side
I was on "vacation" last week which, as we all know, means I still had to get up every single day and drag my sorry butt into work and do those lovely little tasks that only I can do as well as handle multiple phone calls and texts throughout the day. Yea me. Despite the put-in hours, I still managed to get horribly behind on my job and have struggled to get caught up, hence the late post. I did get quite a bit of stitching done on the Bride though. I left off here last time:

And finished Sunday night here:

Her face looks a bit freaky right now, but I'm excited to see a little Freddy head appearing! I've decided to go in two week rotations, so I'm continuing with her this week although, at least so far, I haven't been able to touch her because I've been getting home so late.
I finished up Agents of SHIELD, and lets just say, there is a reason why I don't watch active shows anymore...I HATE sucky cliffhangery season finales! At least I don't have to wait the well-over-a-year that every other watcher of the show has had to endure, but still! UGH! I now know why I continue to watch Once Upon A Time over and over again, I always know there is a happy ending at the end, even through a weird season 7, the loyal fans were rewarded with the best ending ever and I can always count on that!
But, even though I went back and finished up my current Once rotation, I managed not to start another round and got distracted with some other shows (at least for now). I watched the Jack Ryan series on Amazon, which typically wouldn't be my thing, but it wasn't half bad. I'm now watching Roswell. I'm trying hard not to dwell too much on the whole Supernatural-ending thing (although Roswell might not have been the best choice since Jensen Ackles was on that show for a while). Granted, it was probably time for Supernatural to end because, let's face it, the past couple of seasons haven't been that great other than an episode or two here and there, but still. I was just commenting to a co-worker on Friday afternoon, after bitching about Agents of SHIELD and that sucky season 5 ending (especially when they didn't know if they were gonna get renewed at the time), that at least I could always count on Supernatural to always be around because it would never get cancelled, not unless the actors pulled the plug and then WHAM! Four hours later, the Tweet went out that the plug had been pulled! So much for stability! And I seriously doubt Supernatural will get a Once Upon A Time-type happy ending. It would defy the very nature of the show. There will be a lot of death and tears I figure. Great...Infinity War all over again without the possibility of a reprieve with Endgame!

And finished Sunday night here:

Her face looks a bit freaky right now, but I'm excited to see a little Freddy head appearing! I've decided to go in two week rotations, so I'm continuing with her this week although, at least so far, I haven't been able to touch her because I've been getting home so late.
I finished up Agents of SHIELD, and lets just say, there is a reason why I don't watch active shows anymore...I HATE sucky cliffhangery season finales! At least I don't have to wait the well-over-a-year that every other watcher of the show has had to endure, but still! UGH! I now know why I continue to watch Once Upon A Time over and over again, I always know there is a happy ending at the end, even through a weird season 7, the loyal fans were rewarded with the best ending ever and I can always count on that!
But, even though I went back and finished up my current Once rotation, I managed not to start another round and got distracted with some other shows (at least for now). I watched the Jack Ryan series on Amazon, which typically wouldn't be my thing, but it wasn't half bad. I'm now watching Roswell. I'm trying hard not to dwell too much on the whole Supernatural-ending thing (although Roswell might not have been the best choice since Jensen Ackles was on that show for a while). Granted, it was probably time for Supernatural to end because, let's face it, the past couple of seasons haven't been that great other than an episode or two here and there, but still. I was just commenting to a co-worker on Friday afternoon, after bitching about Agents of SHIELD and that sucky season 5 ending (especially when they didn't know if they were gonna get renewed at the time), that at least I could always count on Supernatural to always be around because it would never get cancelled, not unless the actors pulled the plug and then WHAM! Four hours later, the Tweet went out that the plug had been pulled! So much for stability! And I seriously doubt Supernatural will get a Once Upon A Time-type happy ending. It would defy the very nature of the show. There will be a lot of death and tears I figure. Great...Infinity War all over again without the possibility of a reprieve with Endgame!