Weekly Stitching

Someone got their mojo back and I think I've decided my path, at least for stitching for the rest of the year...more on that in a minute. First up, Alice and the B's. I left off last week here:
And finished row 4:
The total so far at just under 700 hours for a total of 697.92 hrs:
I'm still not happy with the colors...usually at this point I'm getting settled with the weird colors in strange places and realize how much sense they make...I still think they charted this one all wrong. This will definitely be one of those charts that will have to be framed and viewed from afar.

Oh well, I decided to go back to Snow White by Jessica Clark because I'm still in a fairy tale-themed mood. I left on her back in May when Grandmother died:
And despite my unhappiness with Snow's upper forehead, the part I did while I sat with Grandmother in hospice, I finished the second row of her, for a grand total of 115.67 hrs:
Again, from afar she's great, but close up, between the bad stitching and the weird colors, I'm still a bit put off. Snow almost reminds me of a Kardashian with the bad color-matched foundation and the over contouring and highlighting. But finishing two project rows in a week made me realize my goal for the rest of the year is to finish the current row to as many pending projects as I can.

I started back on Night Wish today with that goal in mind. I left off on her back in May as well (it's odd how removed from that whole time period I feel now...I thought that Grandmother's illness and death was the worst thing I would deal with this year, that's what I get for thinking I guess):
And it's hard to tell because most of it is white, but here is where I got to today:
This one won't be as quick as Snow, especially with the whole moon to fill in, but hopefully only a couple of weeks worth of work.

I've been binge-watching Charmed this week as well per the recommendation of Vickie over at Reading and Stitching. I do like happy ending shows and I keep expecting the bottom to fall out at the end of season 4, and that worries me, but so far, so good. I didn't think I'd like this show since I never could get into Buffy (I'm one of those weirdos who prefers the movie) and this show is in the same "family" of shows. Don't even get me started on Shannen whats-her-face, but that wasn't a worry after season 3. I'm gonna keep on before I buy the DVDs though, just in case. If what I think is about to happen is about to happen, I'm going to be pissed off and maybe not want to finish the series.

One negative thing about the show though...whoever created those opening credits never had a brain tumor! I can't watch them at all! I figured eventually they would have gotten enough complaints to change them by the end of season 4, but apparently not yet.

I will say though, having a real stitching goal and being obsessed with a show again, makes me feel more normal than I have in a long time, even if I can't do anything else normally. I'm weening myself off the Ritalin. I haven't been able to get in to see the Asper-specialist and the thought of being stuck at the clinic is just too much. I saw my therapist last week by myself (although I still can't go by myself...my Sister couldn't go, so my boss took me). Between that session, a rather nasty fight with my Sister about her over-bearingness concerning my well being, and my new forum, I've had a realization that I really hate going to therapy and it's not helping but only making things worse. The only thing keeping me there is the Ritalin and once I'm off that, then it's all over with and there is no need to go back and maybe I can FINALLY put this whole mess behind me and move on with my life. Until then, I'm a witch-watchin' stitch-lovin' maniac!


I love charmed. I own all the dvds and thoroughly enjoy binge watching them. If you want any spoiler free hints about characters I'll try to help you. The wonderful part is it does end happy. They get closure.
Tiffstitch said…
Oh, good choice with Charmed, I definitely enjoyed the series overall. It has ups and downs as all good shows seem to. Excellent stitching, wow!! You really picked up the pace and nice to see some of the other projects come back out.
Linda said…
I'm so happy to hear that your doing better Keiley. That is fantastic news. Congrats on the row finishes. Amazing progress and they look great.

It's good to seeing you come back to your usual stitchy self again. You made some great progress this week - I did not know how HUGE Alice and her friends were! I think both they and Snow on her own look good. It's probably really a thing of looking at it from a distance.
Justine said…
I agree with Leonore- you need to step away from your stitching and view from a distance as it's fantastic! I can't see any weird colours or shaping at all.
How cool would it be to end the year with full row finishes on all your HAEDS?
That would be a fantastic goal to achieve and put 2017 to bed and consign it to the past!
If therapy isn't helping, then don't go. Talking to other autistic people may be better for you. And cheaper LOL
Emma Louise said…
2 row finishes is great! I have a friend stitching a HAED and she's not convinced with the colours either and she brought up those concerns with HAED and got the usual response of, "it'll work out with all of the other colours in".
Unknown said…
I have all DVDs of charmed, good show and there's talk about bringing it back. Love your stitching, the animals are so lifelike and cute.
kate n said…
Soooooo much stitching! I cant wait to see you finish a row on the Victorian scene that you hate! lol I guess you were only talking about full coverage pieces. I love snow whites hair though! I look forward to seeing more soon :) I wish i had my stitchy mojo.
So happy to see you stitching up a storm again! I did watch some of Charmed while it was on tv and I remember liking it. I should give it a go again and watch it all from the first. Your stitching is gorgeous as always and I am glad you are feeling like you can start to put that horrible time behind you.
Vickie said…
YAY!! I gave you some happiness by a series choice (see..I am working backwards!!!) Love the stitching...and I am so glad that you are getting back into it. I agree that if the therapy isn't working then don't go...