More Stitching and other stuff
Okay, so I know I said "no negativity", but can I just say that I HATE that Blogger made us switch to their "new" platform? Either I'm forced to use outdated "Compose view" or I'm stuck with semi-writing code "HTML View" just to make a new paragraph! Bad form Google!!
Now, on with the good stuff...I left off with Dollmaker here:

And, I finished the second row, I'm 217.97 hrs in, and here she is!

I spent my B-day watching YouTube. I made myself a roast with all the trimmings and also a Pavlova:

It was my first time making a Pavlova, but I think it turned out certainly tasted amazing, although it didn't keep very well and I had to throw a lot of it out. Miranda, I'm not. My Sister also got me my Disney watch I REALLY wanted, but wouldn't dare spend that much money on myself! I wish she hadn't, but she did.
Once I got done with Dollmaker, I went back to Maleficent (I was feeling in the mood to finish rows. I left off on her back in April of this year:

And, as of now, I'm here, so not much progress:

Oh, and I forgot to mention it, but a few weeks ago, I got a couple new Once patterns, including this AH-MA-ZING one from WitchyKitt Designs, who are quickly becoming my new favorite designer (oh, and in the process of getting this link, I see she already has another new Once pattern I'm gonna have to get!):
And that's about it! Still nothing else to report on the positive side. But maybe I'll get there soon!