Working on my 55's
Since this year is my "Year of 55's", aka New Years' Resolutions consisting of 55 items per category, I've been moving along slowly but surely. I finished the final Gabriel books by Sylvain Reynard (to go with the Gabriel series on Passionflix), so that has me at 3 books (I read the first one at the end of last year). I've gone through 7 movies and shows that I have never seen before and I'm still working through a few more. I have gone through a few things to throw out, a few household repairs and chores, a few new food dishes (some wins, some losses), and at least 10 uncomfortable things (but since most of my life is uncomfortable, I'm having issues with those). I haven't touched any new music, lost any pounds, paid down any debt (of note), or saved up for a car payment.
But, and the thing that you guys will care most about, is that I have started stitching again! I'm swapping out projects every Sunday.
I started last Wednesday with DoNa Stitches Merida. It's probably my easiest project because it's on 18ct and it's solid blocks of colors. I had barely started on it back in March of 2024 and left off here:

Although it was really slow stitching at first, I'm getting better (it's been almost a year since I stitched on anything). I worked on it for 14.97 hrs (most of that was on Saturday) and got 3185 stitches done (so I hit my 55 stitches on every project mark with Merida). If I keep up (even with switching every week, I should be able to finish this one by the end of the year). I ended Merida on Saturday night (well, technically early Sunday morning, but that's just semantics) and left off here:

Once I broke myself in with Merida, I switched to Alice and the Bouguereau Princesses by HAED. Bit of back story: I cleaned off my Jasmine Becket Griffith wall in my house, put the prints in a storage box, and only left up the stitches (and one print). The other half of the wall now holds a few of my Disney cross stitches, but now the whole wall looks pretty blank with only about 5-6 on each wall. I need a JBG to make that wall look a bit fuller since that is the most lacking side. So I think, if I can keep stitching, Alice and the B's will be my focus piece and I'm going to try to finish it by the end of the year. I may not switch it out this Sunday and keep going on it for a while. But, if you remember, I left off here in January of 2024:

Today is only Thursday, but I've already put in 21.32 hrs and 4556 stitches. Hopefully, with a full day on Saturday (and possibly Sunday), I will be able to double that. Here is where I am now:

I'm still incredibly dissatisfied with the colors in this project, but it was designed that way, so I'm kind of screwed there. I'm over 55% done on this one, so it will be a hard sell to get it done by December. Even if I do, I don't know when I'll get it framed. Maleficent (which was my focus piece in 2023) is still sitting on the kitchen table in a ziploc. That will be a chore for me to complete this year, get Maleficent framed and, if I finish Alice, get it framed as well. Merida is part of a set (I've already finished Rapunzel), so that one will not be on the framing list. As a matter of fact, I even bought the Tiana and Mulan projects, so now I have all of them (until more come out). I want all of them in matching frames, so I'm going to finish them all first.
I'm also starting to get the hankering to start at least three new projects. I want to start A Discovery of Witches (which I haven't even printed out yet), the JBG of Strangely Lonely (which is the one print that is still on my wall), and one of the mouse kits. But, maybe I should finish another project first. I'm out of scroll frames, I'm trying to save money (so spending a fortune on fabric and threads is kind of stupid right now), and I do have so many WIPs, it's a itch I'm trying very hard to not scratch.
But that's the update for now. Sorry for the mid week update, but I was in the mood for it!
Thanks for inclusing the hours/stich numbers too. I used to think I'm just a really slow stitcher compared to you, but now I also see the numbers like this, I realize I am just moderately slower than you, lol!