Day 3 Part 1-Last Park, forsaking my Disney Fandom card! (Disney '21)
I'd like to say I slept in and didn't get to the bus stop until 8:42 (according to the EXIF data) because I had the most amazing birthday's ever, but, in all actuality, I could literally barely walk at this point and it just took me a long time to get ready and physically get to the bus stop:
The ride to Epcot was too short (bet you thought you'd never hear me say that, but by this point, any chance I got to sit down was a good one and Epcot isn't a park for sitting). Of course, my luck being what it was, they dropped us off at one of the furthest bus stations I've ever been to:
It took me quite a while just to get to Spaceship Earth (and no, I didn't ride it, so yes, it's going to be one of THOSE days):
There were at lot of walls though, and Disney has only gotten worse since. It's been my reasoning for why I don't want to go back (all the changes I don't agree with), but I also have issues with Florida in general, Disney management, and a million other things, but that's for another set of posts...I'm trying not to be too negative:
I did head over to The Land to ride Soarin' and Living with the Land, but I'm not sure if I road either because I have no pics. More than likely, I did ride Soarin', but not Living with the Land. If I had to guess. I could see where, at least at that time, I could walk right onto Soarin' so there wouldn't be time to take pics, but Living with the Land is a long boat ride, so there would be a ton of time for pics. I obviously didn't ride it at all, but I can't imagine I walked all the way into that building and didn't ride anything. But, since I have no proof, I'm not counting either, just to be safe. I also didn't eat breakfast at Sunshine Seasons, one of my favorite breakfast spots, because there are no pictures of it. Probably because it was getting close to time for World Showcase, which meant Food and Wine, but something was very wrong!
I walked to The Seas with Nemo and Friends, but I didn't go in (there are no pics and there would be pics):
I do have proof I road Figment:
Mainly because here he is!
And the second I could get there (World Showcase opens later than Future World does, but I'm not sure they call either land by those names anymore), I was back in search of 50th statues (although again, I missed a ton!):

I did start hitting the Food and Wine booths, apparently not until Germany though, according to these pics (it may have been 2 years, but I know my FaW booths!):
Although I didn't remember to take a picture of my drink until I had finished, but I'm pretty sure it was alcohol free. It might have been pomogranate maybe?

Then Italy apparently:
And Greece (and there is no use showing you the booths, the outside of those hasn't changed in years, although I did manage to photograph every single one...somehow):
More walls:
Canadian cheddar cheese soup and pretzel absolute favorite thing on this planet!
This was supposed to be pavlova, but it was the weirdest pavlova I have ever had. I remember that at the time:
I did go into the new Creations store in Epcot, which took over my beloved Mouse Gear, which I apparently never reviewed, so I need to fix that. Creations is divided into silver and a color side, which I thought I would prefer the color side, since it was very 80's, but I ended up prefering the silver side. But if this trip taught me anything, it's that tastes change, and apparently, mine definitely have!
What I can remember about that day at that point was, it was about 1:30 (again, I checked the EXIF data), and I found myself back at Spaceship Earth with a choice...make the loop around World Showcase again, start riding rides, shop, or head back to the room...can you guess which way I went?
Yep, you guessed it! Back to the resort I went! I was having extreme bouts between numbness and pain in my feet and legs and I just couldn't take it anymore. I needed a break. This pic was taken later, but you get the point).
I rested for a bit, and by 4:45 was back at the bus stop, but waited almost an hour for the bus (this pic was timed at 5:30 p.m.). The longer I sat there, the more I just wanted to go back to the room:
Given a choice between sitting at the bus stop or hurrying up at Disney Springs and being in the room for the night, I would definitely pick the room anytime. I REALLY needed to get some shopping done...there are trip necessities that I always buy that I haven't even purchased yet (a hint...I don't end up purchasing them). But that's for now, so stay tuned!