A bit of stitching and some more stash (like I need it)

We are still working, although I'm not killing myself like I have been. But I do think it has finally caught up with me...between the work and the stress of the tornado, I actually called in sick with a headache for the first time in over 15 years! And then, the day after, I got sent home from work because, well, I guess I just looked too pitiful and was throwing up too much. Four days this one lasted so, between last week and this one, there hasn't been much stitching.

Speaking of the tornado, I tried to drive down the airport road to survey some of the damage last night and get some pics for you guys, but the traffic was too heavy and I'm just not good with picture-taking on my phone while driving. My camera is a whole other story (I'm a total pro with it and driving), so I dropped one in my purse this morning in case I get the chance to go that way again tonight. I ordered groceries from Wal-Mart on Wednesday, but I couldn't get a pick-up time until today (Friday)! I have literally changed the order seven times since! But it will give me another chance to drive in that direction. I'm kind of weird about my routes home. I don't tend to stray. Last night I had to get my meds, hence the detour. Wal-Mart offers the same route so, unless the traffic is bad again, we'll see what I can come up with!

Stitching-wise though, I switched from Happy Haunts (which isn't very much fun, to be honest) and went back to Maleficent. I had forgotten how close to a finish I am with her, just this row and a partial last row. I left off here on July 7th of 2019:
And, like I said, I haven't stitched much in the past two weeks, but I'm now here, so there is movement!
If I can hang in with her, I could finish her before the end of the year, but I'm not sure I can stick with her long enough for two rows, time will tell!

I have also been online shopping again (bad me). I was very good at avoiding the HAED 50% off sale and I thought I had beat the desire for more stitch patterns, well, more time at home means I've been watching Once again so on a whim, I started looking on Etsy for patterns. I picked up the companion Once book "Heroes and Villains" from KPL Creative XStitch. I think she is just about the only one still doing Once charts on Etsy, so I'm grateful to her!
Heroes & Villains Book_000a
WitchyKitt Designs also did a Stitch pattern, and I can never pass up a good Stitch (pardon the pun)!
But then I went REALLY bad! When I initially bought The Bride Dollmaker from GeckoRouge (and just typing that makes me want to stitch on her again), it was a struggle as to whether to buy her or Amour et Vengeance by Dailen Ogden. I had never paid that much for a kit before, so I couldn't afford both. It was a tough struggle, but I eventually went with the Bride, but it has always nagged at me and, every blue moon or so, I'll stare at Hook and get all dreamy-eyed at what "could have been". Lately, I've been afraid that Hook would be disappearing soon since he hasn't been on Dailen's website in a while. Well, despite the desperate times, since I've been good about paying down my bills and had some space on my credit cards, I did the stupid and bought Hook, so Amour et Vengeance (with a delay because of the virus) will be on my way! I'll cry about it later because, as of now, my conscious is clear!
Amour et Vengeance_000a
God knows when I'll ever have time to stitch any of these (although the Bride is going fast, so maybe it won't be but a year or two before I can start Hook, although I do already have another, VERY PAINFUL, Hook already in progress...black and white patterns suck!). The Once books are small and should be quick stitches. But I have promised myself not another start until I finish at least ONE W.I.P. first! Doesn't matter which one, but at least ONE! Thems the rules! So, here's to a headache-free good weekend of stitching to everyone and stay safe out there guys!


Linda said…
Awesome progress as always Keiley. No matter what you say. lol Love your new stash.

Khristine Doiron said…
Maleficent is gorgeous!! I didn't realize you were getting so close to finishing her. That is awesome! Beautiful new patterns you picked up! I have been doing some self isolating shopping too. Pretty threads are headed my way soon. I too will worry about that bill later. Ha! Hope you had a relaxing weekend!
Well done on taking some time off work! Being sick is the best way to get sent home!
Progress is progress on Malificent, you'll be getting that new start in no time.
Leonore Winterer said…
Being sick sucks, but you probably really needed these few days off work. Hope you're feeling better now!
Maleficent looks great. WOuld be awesome to have a finish on her soon!
Love your new purchases, I can't really blame you for having a weak moment there...