A to Z Challenge - W


Austen Alphabet23
It could be because Gwyneth Paltrow played her, but I just can't stand Emma. She ranks as my least favorite Austen heroine.


I used to buy a new Disney watch every trip (because I usually go once a year and their batteries last about that long). FYI, most jewelers won't touch a Disney watch for some reason, so getting batteries replaced can be difficult (you used to be able to take it back to Disney World, but they stopped doing that too). Here is a sampling of the dead ones:
Disney W-02
A few years ago though, I splurged and got a Citizen eco watch and it's been takin' a lickin' and keepin' on tickin' ever since!
Disney W-01


Heather said…
These are cute! I don't wear watches because my wrists are really tiny most watches are too big
kate n said…
I love her dress colour! but I hate Gwyneth Paltrow.
Linda said…
Great watches Keiley. Its sad that you can't replace the batteries.

Justine said…
Those Eco drive watches are great! Nope I'm not an Emma fan either.
Bea said…
Emma not very high on my favourites list either - and I haven't even seen the Gwyneth Paltrow movie!

Those are great watches - what a bummer you can't get the batteries replaced.
Tiffstitch said…
I'm not an Emma fan either, and great choice on your eco-watch.
Unknown said…
I didn't like the Gwyneth Paltrow version either, but I did enjoy the Kate Bekinsale one (released the same year I think), and the BBC mini-series from a couple of years ago :)
Vickie said…
Emma annoys the hades out of me!!!! Not kidding!!! I do like the Masterpiece Emma...