A to Z Challenge - R


Austen Alphabet18
I know she means well, but Lady Russell is another one of those characters that grates on my last nerve and I can't help but dislike her.


I do like to collect specific merchandise aimed at the Disney resorts I've stayed in (and no, I haven't stayed in them all...yet), but my favorite resort gets the most love, Wilderness Lodge:
Disney R-01
I also like things that "remind" me of the resorts, especially things like Scentsy tarts with fragrances from the resorts (and each resort does actually have a "scent"). There are numerous sellers on Etsy who make Disney-themed wax tarts and I think I've probably bought from all of them at one point. Not all of them are good though, so definitely check the ratings!


Justine said…
Scent is one of the most evocative and nostalgic of the senses - how clever of Disney to have scented their resorts! I have never stayed at Disney but I think Wilderness Lodge would be my favourite too, just from having read about it on your blog.
And we are in agreement again about your JA character of the day - what a pain!
Tiffstitch said…
Nice collection, and yes, interfering Lady Russell is well stitched!
kate n said…
Random random random!
Just like my poor choice of R compliment today!

I like Lady Russells dress! and what is a scent tart? hehehe...is that where the expression it smells like a tarts boudoir comes from do you think?
Linda said…
Another awesome collection Keiley. I love the bear in the lower right.

Heather said…
I keep meaning to buy scentsy but keep not doing it lol. I always forget they have their scentsy fragrances.
Bea said…
Wilderness Lodge sounds like it would be a favourite of mine as well.
Vickie said…
I agree...Lady Russel is a stuck up snob!