A to Z Challenge - E


Austen Alphabet05
Who can ever forget Emma Thompson's crying fit when she learns that Edward is not actually married!


Disney E-01
I'm very picky when it comes to ear hats, but I think my favorites are the plain 'ole black ones because one says Disney World and the other Disneyland. Again, there is no reliable viable way to display these, so if anyone has any ideas, just let me know!


Keith Channing said…
The only way I can think to display all those ear-hats, other than as you have shown, is on mannikins' heads, but that would take up a lot of room, and cost a pretty penny, too!

Keith Channing A-Zing from http://keithkreates.com
Mii Stitch said…
Great stitching and again, an impressive collection :)
Your display is best as could be without using to much space.
Tamara Narayan said…
We just got back from Disney, but nobody in my family chose a hat. They are getting quite elaborate these days. If I had to, I'd probably pick a plain black one too.
Justine said…
Nice hats! S&S is my second favourite Austen but I was surprised E wasn't Emma.
djinnia said…
i liked elinor dashwood. she had a head on her shoulders and didn't live in the clouds like her sister.

the emma thompson movie is one of my favorites. and the newest pbs version was excellent as well.

great post.
Linda said…
Great hat collection Keiley. Maybe you could rotate them on a shelf.

Tiffstitch said…
I love that movie, and specifically that moment. Great stitching and fun display of hats. Possibly you could make a fabric hammock and suspend them from the ceiling? But not sure how well you could see them. They look good now.
kate n said…
Exquisite exquisite exquisite!

I do love Emma Thompson :)
A Joyful Chaos said…
I enjoyed looking back through your previous posts and seeing all your collections! Very nice.
Bea said…
Love that movie! I think you're displaying your hats as well as possible without a lot of expense.
J.H. Moncrieff said…
That's an awesome collection!

Maybe dolls or stuffed animals could wear them?
Vickie said…
That crying session kinda got on my nerves...not sure why but it did!!!
E is for Ear Hats LOVE it!

You could buy up old Girl's World heads and restyle them as Disney Princesses and they could wear the eat hats?
Heather said…
I love her dress nice work :). I just got some new ears-the pirate Minnie ones. We have some club 33, diamond celebration, wedding ones, 50th anniversary ones and the originals. You have some cool ones too!