Top 10 YouTube Channels You Find Yourself Watching

As always, go over to Kate's and Tiff's blogs to see their Top 10's for the week and if you want to join in, just let Kate know.

I love me some YouTube! I've been a faithful watcher of the channel since its early days. I use it for entertainment purposes, for work purposes, for learning purposes, for vacation purposes, and a half-dozen other reasons as well. My favorite channels change all the time, but I do have my go-to, never-let-me down favorites. I almost wish this was a top 20 list instead...I could literally ramble on about YouTube for hours!


This series just finished up (there is talk that Physics is next), but there are also courses on history, literature, culture, philosophy, government, etc. They are short and sweet, but very perfunctory and certainly enjoyable enough to watch over and over. I've read Phil Plait's blog for years, so I was already a fan, but he's not the only Crash Course host (just the Astronomy host), the Green brothers, who handle all the other topics, are as equally entertaining.

And speaking of the Green brothers, Hank (my favorite), is also involved in another channel involving Astronomy which he co-hosts. This one is more about current Astronomy news and I don't really think there is a schedule to these.

OK, so I'm sure you knew this one was coming, but still. There are tons of official music videos, interviews, live concert clips, and other surprises that keep the average Duranie occupied for quite a while!

I don't have specific FlossTubers that I follow religiously (although I do subscribe to a couple), I tend to just roam around, checking out their videos, often scrolling through the banter just to see their progress. I'm linking to a random one I watched this morning, a FlossTuber that Kate turned me on to. The Stash Queen is kind of grating and enjoyable at the same time and I do often find myself hypnotized by her, although I'm not sure why...probably because she has a million needle minders!

I spent a lot of time on YouTube prepping for my first ever Disneyland trip and I found that, although there are barely any fan websites for Disneyland, there are a lot more YouTuber's for Disneyland than Disney World. I got addicted to quite a lot of them, spending hours upon hours watching their walk-through videos of the park and their commentary, but at least one stood out more than the others and has kept me coming back long after my trip was over. Sarah is quirky and funny with a huge dose of Disney geekness that I relate to.

Granted, Red Reyna does a lot of other videos that are food/entertainment related, but my absolute favorites of hers are her Disney recipes. One of these days, I'm going to try her versions of some Disney World and Disneyland classics.


I almost hate to admit that I like this guy...he's not the most likable of people. But I will start watching his channel and it takes me forever to stop! There is something eerily fascinating about urban exploring, and he definitely does a lot of it (how he doesn't get arrested is beyond me, although he does get caught sometimes). He also does a daily blog which I rarely watch unless it's Disney related (he's also a Disney geek). I tend to stick to his abandoned places series and some of them are downright creepy, especially places like the old Six Flags in New Orleans and supposed haunted buildings. He ended up getting himself banned from Disney World for a couple of years for this video, hence my reason for posting it, but it's also the reason why I found him in the first place.


I am obsessed with makeup tutorials for some reason and subscribed to quite a few YouTuber's who do nothing but, but Loey's channel is a bit different. She's a very inspiring person and I will often watch her videos when I'm feeling bad about myself or my looks.

OK, who doesn't love cute pet videos, seriously?

When a Disney trip is on the horizon, I like to watch walk-throughs and on-ride videos constantly to get myself prepped and ready. I typically only troll these channels during planning season, but since I'm in the heart of one right now, I've been spending a lot of time on one of my favorites, Touring Plans, specifically this walk-through video of our resort that we will be staying at, Coronado Springs.


I tried to edit the list down to 10, but I just couldn't leave out this channel! Sometimes watching real ghost stories on YouTube can be just as scary as watching a horror movie (especially with the crap horror movies they put out today).


Linda said…
What an absolutely awesome post Keiley. I am going to watch some of these videos. I did watch the Adam the Woo and it was very interesting. I will watch more of his.

Tiffstitch said…
Great list, and no doubles from my side. I'll have to check these out too.
kate n said…
Definitely some videos I might watch :)
Emma Louise said…
I'm curious as to why they waste money by keeping the water and electricity running at that abandoned resort?
Bea said…
Interesting, but I don't watch YouTube, so not really my thing this week.
Heather said…
I'm not a huge YouTube but some of these sound interesting I'll have to check them out. My hubby does a lot of parade videos of Disney so if you like watching those he's almandot
As I said on Tiff's blog, I don't watch much YouTube because of the competing volume levels with four people in the house watching four different things!
I do catch some Flosstube maybe on a Sunday though.
The Small Boy loves YouTube though, often the channels which just consist of the end credits of thousands of different programmes! He does love the credits.