Weekly Stitching

Well, I definitely had a very diverse Disney movie watching weekend. So much so, I'll probably have to split it into several day's worth of reviews because it would be entirely too long. I know I was taking a chance expressing my feelings about Beauty And The Beast, so thanks to everyone for not stringing me up by my toes! And Kate, I promise to make it up to you with Friday's reviews!

But anyway, this post is about the stitching for the week. I had a specific path I wanted to take at the beginning of the week, one that would have led me to finish the body stitching on Sleeping Beauty Castle. But as the week wore on, I started to get bored and had trouble stitching for more than an hour a night (which is extremely rare for me). I left off here:
Finished the bottom part:
And moved up to the top, but this is where I stalled at 33.98 hours:
I know the backstitching is going to make this piece, but it's soooo boring!

So, come Saturday morning, I woke up with a renewed sense of purpose with Maleficent. I left her off here last month:
And worked on her both Sat and Sun. She's now at a total of 192.82 hours:
She's at a very weird stage, with all the blue streamy things, but she's suddenly become very exciting! I managed to finish the first page of the row as well, so yet another exciting thing. As of now, I'm gonna stick with her for a while, so we'll see how it goes!

Oh, and what kind of mom would I be if I didn't show my little monster, who pee'd on the bed for the first time ever Saturday. Unfortunately, this is not the face of a guilty puppy, so I'm pretty sure he's not apologetic.


demeter83 said…
I have projects like that, I can only work on them a little bit at a time, otherwise I really start loosing the will!
Love Malificent, she's stitching up beautifully!
kate n said…
great progress on both! Even if the castle is boring, it looks nice and I was worried that it was a bit grey so am pleased to see those colours appear :)

I look forward to the reviews - it will take a lot! hehehe I watched Beverly Hills Chihuahua for the first time at the weekend with Naomi and she was mesmerised!
Tiffstitch said…
Great progress on the Castle even if it's a pain. I can see Maleficent's eyes!
Linda said…
Wonderful progress on both projects Keiley. I think I have that castle kit. The little monster is giving you the I'm sorry look mom. lol

Heather said…
Great stitching I love the banners on the castle. I don't think he's apologetic at all lol I like his sweater
Miamina said…
The castle is looking great! It's seems to be coming together pretty well. I love Maleficent, I love the fact that you actually reached the (not so) lovely lady herself! Well done with the stitching progress!

Thankfully Charlie has never pee'd on the bed....yet....but that is so not a guilty face! he's too cute to be mad at for long though!
Tama said…
Wow, though - so close to done on the castle! It'll be so gorgeous :D :D :D
Maleficent is looking splendid, as well!
Unknown said…
beautiful stitching :) your puppy is gorgeous!
Vickie said…
wow!! Your castle is amazing!!!! Love Malificent!