Weekly Stitching

Thanks to the holiday, I got in an entire extra day of stitching. I worked on 35th Anniversary Celebration for the first time in over a year. I left off here March of 2014:
and, even though I worked all day on it, this is as far as I got:

After all that dark fabric work, I was more than happy to go back to Maleficent. I worked on her for most of the week anyway, but she is getting boring. I left off on her here last week:
And got here, stopping at 178 hrs:

For the past two days, I switched back to Alice and the B's. I left off here:
and finished here tonight for a total of 149.23 hrs:
I think I'm going to focus on Alice and the B's for a while...I really want to finish the row.

I'm really dreading going back to work tomorrow. Bam and I have enjoyed just hanging out together. We have officially moved back to sleeping in the bed instead of the couch, but I can't say that either one of us is sleeping well. But it's time to forgo the gloom and doom and get back to normal, so we're trying. It helped that we spent the past two days watching nothing but Disney movies. I'm not sure if I'm gonna do my planned reviews or not. Considering I've cleared about 12 movies in two days, it might be hard to catch up review-wise. We'll see.


Heather said…
Wow great progress!
Linda said…
Awesome progress Keiley. Glad that you and Bam are doing better.

Tiffstitch said…
Great to hear you've been able to sleep in your bed, even if it's not good sleep yet. Maleficent is coming along nicely and good luck finishing the row on Alice and the B's. The Disney stitch progressed well on that dark fabric and as long as you're enjoying the Disney movies, reviews are up to you. It's definitely nothing you should create more stress over, so relax and enjoy them.
demeter83 said…
I'm loving the Disney themed stitching
Miamina said…
Great work on the stitching! Good to hear that you and Bam are doing ok and are trying to get back to normal. I hope you manage to start sleeping a bit better soon. Love to you both!