To say that things have been a bit crazy lately is an understatement as it is almost Disney time again! I've debated whether to pre-write enough Disney Reviews to cover me while I'm gone, but honestly, there just isn't time and since my mother is pup-sitting at my house, my little ones have to hide their "Dog with a Blog" capabilities from the strange human. So, I'm afraid this is adieu for a couple of weeks while I'm letting my inner Asper-child run free in Disney World! Despite the constant rain that the Florida forecast is calling for, I still aim to add exponentially to my Disney photo collection (while trying not to drown my camera) and will have not one, but two new resorts to show you, two new restaurants, a new ride, a couple of new shows, and who knows what else!
I leave you with stitching progress from the past few weeks (that I forgot to post - the Disney force is strong in this jedi princess). It ain't much, but it's something I guess. Once Disney is over with and I'm knee-deep in post-Disney depression, my stitching mojo will probably explode and it will be all that I will do for months!
QS Angel In Lilac - last post (several weeks back):

And where I made it to last Needle Club:

The Princess and the Pea - last post (I think):

here's where I got to several days ago:

Like I said, not a lot of progress, but it's better than nothing!
I leave you with stitching progress from the past few weeks (that I forgot to post - the Disney force is strong in this jedi princess). It ain't much, but it's something I guess. Once Disney is over with and I'm knee-deep in post-Disney depression, my stitching mojo will probably explode and it will be all that I will do for months!
QS Angel In Lilac - last post (several weeks back):

And where I made it to last Needle Club:

The Princess and the Pea - last post (I think):

here's where I got to several days ago:

Like I said, not a lot of progress, but it's better than nothing!