A - Disney Alphabet Cross Stitch

It's April 1st, which means the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge is finally here! I described my planned theme and a bit of back story for the Theme Reveal post, but before I reveal my first finish, I still need to give a bit more info (and this should be my longest post of the challenge).

You see, there is a lot of work involved in prepping for a stitch start, especially for the likes of me. Fabrics, methods of racking, floss, a lot of decisions have to be made before any stitching can even begin. I chose 18 count Aida fabric in white basically because the design is not advanced and the simplicity of the Aida would work better than linen (linen is harder to use and I wanted this to be as easy as possible). White is my preferred color of fabric and I don't have a lot of different colors in Aida (I have tons of linen colors, but I tend to hoard it instead of use it). I don't like to use hoops because you can only stitch one-handed, so a scroll rod was pretty much the only choice if I wanted to be able to finish nightly in a timely manner. I chose to grid the fabric to save time on counting.

So I started picking from my stash of material and rods:
And wound up here:
Because of the length of the project, I went with a floor stand instead of my preferred lap stand (no picture here...nothing exciting about a stand).

I've been hoarding floss for way too long and it's about time I started using it, so I really didn't have to make much of a decision on that front. But the floss has to be combined into a box and labeled accordingly. My stash is more than one complete set of DMC's here:

And the final result all boxed up for this project:

Once all that work is done, then stitching can start. But there is still one more thing I need to explain...why I chose each character. This was a custom chart designed for me by CloudsFactory, and most all of the characters I picked because they are my favorites..."A" was definitely no exception.

Like most girls, I have a favorite Disney Princess. Her movie is one of the main reasons I'm a Disney freak in the first place. So without further ado, my choice for "A" is Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty in my preferred choice of a blue dress instead of pink!

The grid lines didn't look crooked from afar and my work really doesn't look this shotty from a normal distance, but here she is anyway:

And that's "A" done! Each day I will reveal the character and why I chose it, but I won't show the entire work until I'm finished with it. I still haven't decided whether or not I want to add a header. Maybe you guys can help me on that!


Anonymous said…
I can most definitely appreciate your preparation for the challenge! I crochet and decided against that for my a to z topic although it will get thrown in now and then lol Kudos to you look forward to seeing your work!
Rebekah Loper said…
Wow, that's awesome! I haven't done cross-stitch in a long time, and even then I didn't do it to that extent. I'm mostly a crochet and sewing machine kind of gal!

Can't wait to see what other characters you've picked!

~Rebekah Loper
Fantastical Ponderings - The A-Zs of Worldbuilding
The Rabid Rainbow Ferret Society
Anonymous said…
That's a lot of work and dedication! I cross stitched before and did enjoy it but don't think I'm pateint enough, so good for you!

~ Visiting from A to Z challenge
SM Blooding said…
OMW! You and I might share brain cells. You prep like I do!

I'm a cross-stitcher, crocheter, and just re-discovered the blessings of the sewing machine! However, I decided to go with books as my theme this year. You're awesome and brilliant and I think I like you! LOL!
Cathy said…
Sweet. I love it. You know I'll be back to see the rest.
Awesome. So cute. I'm not sure if it needs a header.
Unknown said…
Sleeping Beauty is one of my favorite Old School Disney movies too. I love the part where she's dancing with the owl and the bunnies in the boots...just before the prince comes in...

Leanne Ross ( readfaced.wordpress.com & @LeanneRossRF )
kate n said…
so wheres her mouth? lol

I think she looks good keebs and am going to love tomorrows as i have a feeling it will be my most favourite princess :)
Linda said…
Wonderful start to the challenge Keebles. I am so going to love watching you stitch this this month. Loved seeing your prep work.

Tiffstitch said…
Great start! I'm a Sleeping Beauty fan too and even had the Tchaikovsky theme for my wedding song. "I know you...." I wood also pick blue dress, and love those blues.
Tiffstitch said…
Wood=would... Why must my phone auto correct that incorrectly every time?
betty said…
Great start with Aurora! I always like Sleeping Beauty! I think it is neat how at the end of April you will have the finished project; what a great theme!

SoCal Debbie said…
Oh this A-Z challenge will be so fun to follow you this month! How nice that you had a custom chart made with all your favorites!