WIPocalypse Feb 2013
I have done it! I can't believe it! My head is killing me today, but there was no way in Hades I was gonna quit till I finished. My first ever HAED is complete, ahead of schedule and just in time for this month's WIPocalypse!

Here she is in all her Scottish beauty!

I do feel surprisingly numb, but it may be because cannons are going off in my head, bouncing off the sides like popcorn in a popper. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. I also need to decide if I'm starting my next two now, or waiting a little while. I might work on A Summer Ball and get it out of the way. Plus, I have my secret project to start as well.
The only other project I worked on this month was The 35th Anniversary Celebration:

I also have the gigantic task of teaching my Mother how to cross stitch! To make matters worse, I'm starting her off with a HAED! But I do honestly think they are easier than a kit, just a lot more stitching is involved. We'll see how she does!
Now it's time for Stadol and bed.
Here she is in all her Scottish beauty!
I do feel surprisingly numb, but it may be because cannons are going off in my head, bouncing off the sides like popcorn in a popper. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. I also need to decide if I'm starting my next two now, or waiting a little while. I might work on A Summer Ball and get it out of the way. Plus, I have my secret project to start as well.
The only other project I worked on this month was The 35th Anniversary Celebration:
I also have the gigantic task of teaching my Mother how to cross stitch! To make matters worse, I'm starting her off with a HAED! But I do honestly think they are easier than a kit, just a lot more stitching is involved. We'll see how she does!
Now it's time for Stadol and bed.