Weekly Update and New Starts?
Since (technically) I'm supposed to be switching projects every Sunday, I'm going to try to make Monday my weekly stitching update. I planned to spend the week on Evil Queen but, of course, I didn't do that. I did start gathering for some new starts (I can't believe how expensive this hobby is), but more on that later. As I was loading some of the new projects into Markup R-XP, I noticed I had loaded Evil Queen wrong. I had forgotten to exclude the page runover. I had to reload it, which changed, not only how much I had already stitched, but the total stitch count. At least for now, I'm not going to give totals on this one because I didn't do this change until after I had stopped stitching for the week. Next time this circles around, I'll give the totals as new. I left off here:

All the black background was wearing me out, which is why I didn't switch to Hook and its all white background. The only spec I can give is the time, an additional 5.49 hrs for a total of 23.12 hrs.

I ended up switching to The Blue Marble is So Fragile by Unconventional X Stitch and artist Borda Danut Adrian. It was one of my Leap Year New Starts for 2024. Since it's been a while, here is what it will look like:

It's one of the two projects I have in Q-Snaps because they were too big for scroll rods (I hate Q-Snaps). I left off here on 2-28-2024 and had only completed 0.85 hrs (161 stitches out of 298,350 or 0.05%)

I probably spent more time fighting with the snaps than stitching (did I mention I hate Q-Snaps?), but it did get a bit better when I moved the stitch area down. I added 11.25 hrs (a total of 12.1 hrs), another 2572 stitches (a total of 2733/298,350), and am now at 0.92%. The funny thing about this one is how tiny each page is. What you are seeing here is almost a full two pages!

Instead of being smart and switching to something easier, my brain was very much "let's get the Q-Snap debacle over with" and moved back to the biggest project I have, SS/MC Once Upon A Fairytale, an Aimee Stewart by HAED (have I mentioned I hate Q-Snaps yet?). This project could not be moved down in the snaps. As a reminder, here it is:

The multitude of projects I started on the 28th of February 2024 just to get them under the gun for the Leap Year starts meant I didn't get very far into any of them. I only did 1.53 hrs and 275 stitches for its first run:

And, even though I only have yesterday's progress to show, I put in another 6.58 hrs (a total of 8.12 hrs), another 1475 stitches (for a total of 1750/713,265 stitches) and am currently at 0.25%. Usually Sundays means 8-10 hrs, but my arms (and my brain) were tired of Q-Snap-gate. This one is already warping under the snaps and, to add to the Q-Snap hate list, even with snap extenders, the fabric is so large, it has a LOT of excess fabric on the side and bottom, which can't really be folded, so it's all scrunched up. OCD nightmare! Here is where I am now:

I have to get these two projects on scroll rods. I've already tried to make my own (massive failure), so that idea is nixed. It's been a journey to even find scroll rods at least 48" long (both Fairytale and a new start need rods that big). I'm still shopping around, but the options are limited and not cheap, plus, my newish stand won't hold scroll rods that long (it already tips with the too small 30" rods on Sleepy Hollow, that project really needs 36") and it HATES snaps as much as I do. I'll need yet another floor stand that has a center mount system. That cheap floor center mount from Hobby Lobby won't cut it because it's not tall enough or stretches over wide enough for my chair (or the couch for that matter). I have one from the 90's (the design hasn't changed) and I did try, hence failure.
Which leads me into my new projects...I had decided on ONE kit (that number will be important later) and two PDF patterns from my stash, ones I debated during my 2024 Leap Year starts, but ultimately decided against...a decision that has haunted me ever since. I ordered the thread, no problem (although don't get me started on prices). The fabric was another issue. I ended up having to get the easy guide from HAED (and only because 123 Stitch was out of stock), but I didn't figure right and only ordered fabric for the actual size of the stitch and not a 2" border all around, meaning I should have ordered the middle and largest sizes instead of the smallest and middle. I went back to HAED to order the bigger piece, but they wanted $24 in shipping...ridiculous considering the largest piece of fabric couldn't weigh as much as the smallest and middle pieces put together (that shipping was $10). I eventually found it cheaper on ABC Stitch Therapy (both cost and shipping), but it didn't say backordered until AFTER I ordered it, so it's now in waiting mode. If I wasn't so addicted to the easy guide fabric, this would be a non-issue. I probably have enough fabric in stash, but alas, I get set in my ways. Maybe I can use the smallest fabric for something else. I'm not in a hurry to start them anyway but, in case you were wondering what the new projects are (and I don't think one of these will be a surprise), it's Strangely Lonely a JBG by HAED:

And A Discovery of Witches by Modern Cross Stitch, which will be my second largest piece once I started it, at 499,999 stitches and the one missing some thread because the directions didn't give stitch counts (so I either had to guess, or didn't want to overshoot) and is also the one I still need to get that large fabric for:

Then I had to choose the kitted project. The first option was Amour et Vengeance from Dailen Ogden and GeckoRouge (although not my original option for Leap Year, that one is #2). I had originally nixed this one because I was already doing a Hook stitch, but oh well. I'll still need to buy new fabric because it comes with 25ct, which just isn't my jam, but I'll figure that out later (and, unfortunately, the smallest piece I bought from HAED is 2" too short on either side):

Choice 2: Kitchen Fun, which is a Design Works project. I've already stitched this in my youth but, thanks to my ex-husband, it came to a grizzly end. Years ago I found the kit on eBay, and it's been in my stash ever since. I actually have the whole set of the Design Works mouse kits. I've finished Tea Time already, but there are still several and, like the DoNa Stitches princesses, I'd like to get them framed all at once so they match. After years of full coverage pieces, half and quarter stitches and backstitching will be a pain, but this is an easy enough pattern. And, 14ct, sheesh! This kit is pretty old and I'm not sure if the fabric and/or floss needs to be replaced, but the floss will definitely need to be sorted. I remember that process taking for-ev-ah! It might just be easier to use my nicely-labeled stash floss rather than trying to sort through a pile of unlabeled thread. You can tell that non-stitchers created these old kits, am I right? At least now kit floss is (usually) sorted.

Choice 3: Garden Path by Monet and Yiota's X Stitch. This was from when Yiota's just started and she sent a bunch of kits to bloggers for review (including myself). Blogger threw a fit and asked her to have everyone remove their reviews, but I don't think I did...it was an honest review about the kit only, so why should I remove it? Plus, I just don't like being told what to do. I figure it's about time I actually stitched it. I've had it for literal years and it's not really that big, so why not? I'm not sure what fabric it comes with, but I'll be doing it on 28ct, so it will barely be 12x12, just a hair bigger than Faces of Faery 167. The thread is on bobbin cards, so it should be fine.

And last, but certainly not least, choice 4 was The English Garden, a kit I've had since the 80's and possibly my oldest stash. I'll probably also have to replace both the fabric and the thread for this. They have been literally sitting around for over 40+ years and I can guarantee the floss isn't sorted. How did we manage back in the day with a pile of floss shoved in a bag? I remember the reason why I never did this originally was because it was 18ct and I was scared of it! Funny now that my preferred fabric is 28ct!

I scanned all of them in and created PDF's because I wanted to see how they'd load in Markup R-XP, a step that was going to determine which kit I chose, but I think the whole process of scanning (copying in the case of Kitchen Fun and then scanning), etc, got me pumped to start them all! Bad me! Between the money I've already spent on floss and fabric, adding the already needed scroll rods (not to mention the ones not originally factored in for the kits) and a new stand will be outrageous! If I were a patient person, I'd buy new rods a bit at a time and add the stand last. But patience is NOT one of my virtues (says the multi-year cross stitcher). I want it all NOW! Oh well, who knows if I'll live long enough to finish any of my WIPs anyway! As Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble used to say "CHARGE IT!". How do people with 100's of WIPs afford it?