April A to Z Challenge - Cross Stitch "V" x 2
Project #1: Once Upon A Time
"V" is for Victor Frankenstein aka Dr. Whale. This is another one of those characters that has to "grow" on you. Granted, it took me a while to figure out who Dr. Whale was (and it wasn't revealed in the show until season 2, I don't think). I, like most, was looking for a fairytale counterpart for Whale instead of a literary one even though the Whale-Frankenstein link did occur to me (James Whale was famous for directing the original Frankenstein movie...a bit of trivia I knew simply because I used to play Trivial Pursuit a lot as a kid). I did actually spend quite a bit of time trying to figure out who he was, especially around the time he "hooked up" with Mary Margaret, but I eventually gave up. Boy was I kicking myself when they did reveal him because I did actually know all along. Just goes to show, you should always trust your judgement but you should never underestimate the writers of Once because they always have something up their sleeve!
Project #2: Veronica Mars
"V" is for Vinnie Van Lowe, Keith Mars' competitor in the PI game. Poor Vinnie has an opposite moral compass to Keith, but I do like him for some reason. He's sleazy, but he has a heart when it's important.
Stephen Tremp
A to Z Cohost
V is for Vortex (the paranormal kind)