A Stitchy Week

I have been drowning myself in stitching to avoid the obvious...vacation is over. It's back to work tomorrow, back to my sucky day-to-day life of nothingness. Without a Disney trip on the horizon, I feel like I have absolutely no purpose on this earth. I'm in that awkward stage where I can't stop thinking about Disney, but I can't deal with post-trip details...aka editing pictures, finding places for new items, etc. At this stage, I wonder why I put myself through it all in the first place. Is a week of pleasure worth the months of planning and the months of depression that follows? Right now, I can't say, but enough blaa, let's get on with the stitching progress.

The Princess And The Pea as of the beginning of the week:

and as of tonight:


Tiffstitch said…
Excellent! The next layer is taking shape. Hope Zachary and BamBam can help you find your happier place.
Linda said…
Glad your back Keebles. I have missed your posts. Wonderful progress as always. Hang in there, things will get better. You'll have fun putting all your new stuff away.

Heather said…
Looks great! I've been missing your stitching posts! Keep your head up you'll be back to Disney before you know it.
Miamina said…
Give those 2 lovely boys of yours a big hug, they are your reason, for now. I often feel the same way and it's caring for my lovely furbaby that gets me through.

Great progress on the stitching it's really looking wonderful!