January IHSW results

The first International Hermit and Stitch Weekend is close enough to over that I think it's safe to stop for the night.

I got stuck at work late on Friday, so I didn't get much done that night. Here is where I started on Friday:

And made it here:

I ended up sleeping until late afternoon on Saturday (takes me forever to get to sleep, but once I'm there, it takes a military action to get me up), so not much progress then:

Today was better because I got up early afternoon, but even after an almost full day of stitching, still not much to show for it:

There was a lot of gap fill-in work, so it makes it look like I didn't get a lot done, but I worked non-stop the entire waking weekend, seemingly changing colors every five minutes. I've got to stop stitching so much because I'm letting too many things go by the wayside...I think I've forgotten how to do laundry. I've also got to crack down and start exercising as well as working on Disney pics. My OCD is solely stitch-focused right now and it's starting to get out of hand. Maybe if I make it through row three this week, knowing that the mattress levels are coming up next, it will slow me down...the mattress levels are going to be hideously boring!


Unknown said…
You've made some great progress, gorgeous work!
Southpaw Stitcher said…
Certainly looks like you got a lot done this weekend! Congrats!
Linda said…
I think you made wonderful progress. A whole lot more that I could have done.

The Maiden said…
Wow, great progress and I love the chart you have chosen!
Kate said…
YOu made lots of beautiful progress! well done! :)
You don't think you did much but you really kicked out some stitching!
Tiffstitch said…
That looks like a lot of work to me! Great progress.
CraftyPretender said…
This is amazing. You stitch so fast, and the colours make it so much fun too.
Soozie said…
I just came across your blog and wow your stitching is so inspirational! I have one HAED WIP and I wish I could stitch with such speed like you do on those designs. I added you to my blogs I enjoy list so I will get updates. I shall gladly cheer you on!
Joysze said…
You made huge progress for not stitching all wekeend, Keelie. Love the colors on this one. :D
Joysze said…
Drats... I wasn't finished!!! I like your OCD focusing on stitching ;) Keep it around for a long while, will ya? ;)
Maureen said…
Youve made great progress. Cant wait to see each mattress appear